Jesus, Our Federal Head
Federal? I am deliberately introducing you to an important theological word when I say that the resurrection is “federal.” Of course, I am not using the word to refer to the federal government as opposed to state or local government. The term, federal, is actually related to the Latin word for covenant. When I call the resurrection federal, I am saying that it is covenantal in the sense that Christ was raised as the covenant head or representative of His people.
Much of the practical value of the resurrection of Christ depends on your understanding that the resurrection of Christ was not just the resurrection of Jesus. It was the resurrection of all His people in Him. It was federal. That is, the way that you should think and feel about the resurrection of Christ depends, in no little way, on you knowing that Christ’s resurrection was representative. It depends on your understanding, that in the eye and mind of God, Christ represented all of His people when He was raised from the dead. They were all in Him, representatively, when He rose.
Many passages imply or assume the representative character of Christ’s resurrection. Here is one important passage that does so. Colossians 1:18 reads: “He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.”
In this context the Apostle is teaching that Christ was not only head of the original creation. All things were made through Him and for Him. He is teaching that He is by God’s good pleasure and purpose also the Head of the New Creation. It is as the head of the church—the representative of the whole body of Christians—that He is raised from the dead and that He is the firstborn from the dead. His resurrection is the promise and guarantee of their resurrection. He is the firstborn among many brothers. Or, as 1 Corinthians 15 teaches, He is the firstfruits of the resurrection. His people are the full harvest of the resurrection. There is this intimate connection between the resurrection of Jesus and our resurrection.
Now as I said, there are enormous practical results for us of that fact. Let me mention three.
Because the resurrection of Christ is federal, you should believe that because of the resurrection of Christ you are justified before God!
There is justification in the resurrection of Christ! That is, you should feel that the resurrection of Christ is something on the basis of which you can know that you are justified before God and all your sins forever forgiven.
Romans 4:25 is the key text here. You should look at it. It reads: “He who was delivered over because of our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification.” There are certain things about the teaching of this text that are not clear to me. Yet the general meaning of this text is clear. It reminds us that Jesus was delivered to the death of the cross because He represented us in our transgressions. He did not die for His transgressions. Not at all! He died for our transgressions. Just so, His resurrection was also representative. He represented us in His resurrection. His resurrection was the public proof that through His death we are justified, forgiven, accepted, and vindicated before God. We should look at the resurrection of Christ as believers and find there the blessed and glorious reality that our sins are gone! Do you, Christian, look at the resurrection of Christ and say to yourself, “Everything that I have done wrong and which should have forever separated me from God has been dealt with. Christ being resurrected by the glory of the Father means also that the Father accepts and justifies me! There is in the resurrection of Christ proof of your justification before God.
Because it is federal, you should believe that because of the resurrection of Christ you will be sanctified progressively in the Christian life!
There is power for the Christian life in the resurrection of Christ! That is, you should feel that the resurrection is an almighty resource for you of spiritual power in overcoming temptation and living the Christian life victoriously.
Ephesians 1:19-20 is the key text here. It reminds us to think about “what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places.” The Apostle Paul straightforwardly affirms that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in those who believe.
What power unknown and inconceivable does it take to raise someone from the dead? There is no power like it under heaven today. There is no power like it in the hands of man. No matter what the comic books say, and no matter what the superhero movies portray, there is no power in the world that can bring our loved ones back from the grave. There is no power that can restore them to life, vigor, and health. But such an unknown power did against all the arrayed might of death raise Christ from the dead! Wonderful reality! But even more wonderful for us personally is that this power is at work in those who believe. That besetting sin with which you have struggled for years, dear Christian, must fall before such power. That difficult relationship about which you spend so much time in prayer, dear brother or sister, may be resolved by such power. Those life challenges against which you feel so helpless—this power can help you overcome them. Dear Christian, do you believe that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe? Do you believe in it? Count on it? Fight the good fight of the faith in light of it? There is in the resurrection of the Christ power for living the Christian life and for fighting the Christian war.
Because it is federal, you should believe that because of the resurrection of Christ you are delivered from death and will be glorified!
There is hope in the resurrection of Christ! That is, you should feel that there is nothing to fear in death because the resurrection of Christ gives you hope of the life of glory to come.
1 Corinthians 15:20-23 is the classic passage with regard to the hope of the resurrection we should have in Christ. Here is what it says: “But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. 21 For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming”
As we grow older the shadow of death lengthens over us. Its gloom darkens more and more of our lives. We enjoy life still, but we know that the end of life is coming. We know that we shall only embrace our husband or our wife again a limited number of times. We will only enjoy the smiles of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren a few more times. We will only join in worship for a few more Lord’s Days. As the old hymn says: “A few more years shall roll, A few more seasons come, And we shall be with those that rest Asleep within the tomb.” Thoughts like these can steal our joy and peace away! But in the resurrection of Christ we have prospects and promises which enable to live with joy and purpose as we approach the final years of life. With the resurrection of Christ before us, we have the promise and prospect of our own resurrection. John 11:26 asserts: “and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” It then asks the question, “Do you believe this?”
“Never die!” Do you believe that you will never die? I should not live the joyless existence of one who will die. I should live the busy, purposeful, and joyful life of one who will never die! Dear Christian, have you embraced the promise that you will never die? Yes, this life will end. But it will not end in the sting of death. You know that this life will end, but only because at that very moment you will enter a life above with Christ. Then you will return to earth at the end of this age to live and reign with Christ forever. Let me ask again , then, in the words of Jesus, “Do you believe this?” Believing this is the whole foundation of hope, peace, and joy in living this life. Do you believe this? You may believe because … There is in the resurrection of Christ the hope and promise of eternal life for you.
You should think and you should feel about the resurrection of Christ. It is federal. Because of this, there is in it proof of justification before God, power for living the Christian life, and the promise of eternal life.
What should you, must you, may you think and feel about the resurrection of Christ? You must feel that it is foundational, believable, and federal! If you think and feel this way about it, it will change your life!