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Holy Week Devotional: A Death According to Plan

Wednesday Devotional

Main Text: Matthew 26:1-5

Think about the past week, month, and year. How often did the plans that you make come to pass exactly as you desired? If we are honest with ourselves, we rarely see plans unfold to the exact degree we had predicted in our minds. Sometimes this is simply due to us being poor planners, but oftentimes, our plans occur differently than we predicted because of factors outside our control. Few aspects of our lives demonstrate our limited knowledge and limited control as clearly as when all does not go according to plan. Thanks be to God that this is never the case with His plans! 

On Wednesday of Holy Week, Jesus announced to the disciples that His crucifixion would occur in just two days (Matthew 26:1-5). When examining the Gospel records, we find that this was not the first time Jesus predicted His death (Matthew 16:21-23; Mark 8:31-33; Luke 9:22-27). These details from the New Testament reveal that Christ’s predictions were never merely hypothetical, nor were they ultimately dependent on factors outside of His control (John 10:14-18). On the contrary, Scripture makes clear that Jesus was absolutely sovereign over the circumstances leading to His death (John 18:1-11). 

As truly man, Jesus was well aware of the prophecies that foretold the Messiah laying His life down for God’s people (Psalm 22; Isaiah 53; Luke 2:51-52). As truly God, Jesus knew that His sacrificial death for believing sinners was planned from eternity past (Acts 2:22-24; 4:23-31). There was no possibility for God to save sinners in any other way (Matthew 26:36-43; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46), and there was no possibility for God’s redemptive plan to fail (Isaiah 46:8-10; John 3:14-18). 

God the Father sent Jesus into the world to accomplish a specific plan through the power of the Holy Spirit: save sinners from eternal judgment in Hell, and enable them to become citizens of Heaven (Luke 4:14-21; Acts 10:34-43). As we celebrate this wonderful truth throughout Holy Week, may we rejoice that God always accomplishes His plans (Isaiah 14:24-27; 2 Peter 3:3-9). He will never fail us! 

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